Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Domestic Violence against Women

Prompt: The Daily Topic: "If you could dedicate your life to one noble cause, what would it be? Explain your choice."

The Beginning of an End...

I had presumed that domestic violence against women existed in the lower strata of society, or in remote villages where the woman is not aware of her rights. But a call from a friend proved me wrong. I was stunned. Her husband has pushed her and banged her head against the wall. She had retorted but he was too strong for her frail body to stop his deeds. It had carried on for five long years and no one knew about it, until SHE decided it was enough. Counseling from family and friends was of no help and they drifted apart. Like many others, she was a victim of domestic violence.

Statistics of Domestic violence revealed a horrifying reality:
A crime against women is committed every three minutes in India, according to India's National Crime Records Bureau.
One in four women has experienced domestic violence in her life in US, according to the National Institute of Justice, Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence.
Domestic Violence is a worldwide phenomenon existing in countries such as Canada, Switzerland, Egypt, Zambia and New Zealand.

Irrespective of caste, economic status, religion or education, a woman is tortured by her husband. Rape, dowry deaths, burns, driven to suicide and wife-beating are some common forms of domestic violence. Some are treated badly only due to the submissive nature of a woman.

I strongly feel that women are to be equally blamed for this mess in society. There is no place for gender discrimination. Women need to understand this. They do not deserve abuse. Women themselves have to put an end to this cruelty. Punishments need to be implemented against those who violate domestic violence laws. But for this too, the woman needs to report this exploitation, rather than being scared and continue getting harassed.

If I could dedicate my life to one noble cause, it would be this – the abolition of domestic violence from all households across the globe. I strongly believe that no woman deserves ill-treatment. Knowledge of rights and domestic violence acts across the world is important for every woman to be able to stand up against all crimes. She is not the weaker section. A woman will continue dealing with troubled relationships and mistreatment if she does not put an end to it. She needn’t be scared of being barred from the society or from having no home for protecting herself against injustice. There are organizations which give shelter to such women. It takes courage to take that one step against violence but it HAS to be taken, else she will never be free from the syndrome of domestic violence.

A woman is her best savior.

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