Monday, February 8, 2010

The color of Poverty

Prompt: The Daily Topic: What color will you use? Practice written synethsesia today by giving something colorless (hunger, panic, laughter, etc.) color, and describing it.

 Poverty – color – Brown

 Though the color brown denotes encouragement, hope and faith, the origin is from a dark and dusky shade. Poverty, too, implies darkness. Poverty stems from a condition of obscurity – for humans in poverty have no access to water, food, clothing and shelter. Hence, poverty is being given the colour brown – that someday things will change, and people in poverty will have access to the basic needs. With the support and collaboration of numerous organizations helping and reaching the poor in the form of providing funds and basic needs, education and employment, many will move above the poverty line. The spiral of lack of money, therefore no means to buy food to feed the stomach, many children go hungry. But the food and education programs led by the UN for children and adults, will lead to an escape from hunger and poverty.

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