Monday, October 26, 2009


Prompt: The Daily Topic: "How did it become yours? Write a story about the first pet you remember owning."

My first pet came as a birthday gift from my parents. A cute, small, roly-poly, furry white Pomeranian dog. We named her Alpha. She was the smallest thing I had ever seen or owned. Being in a hostel I got only a few months to be with her. But the attachment grew like no one else. When I left for school, she didn’t eat for days. Slowly she began getting attached to my mother. She was such a friendly and lovable dog. She used to caress my mom’s hair and my mom would go off to sleep. She never used to bother anyone with her barks. Just a small pet with loving eyes and a golden heart. She used to play with the ball or have fun while bathing and splashing water on us. I remember shampooing her hair and she would smell great. I would feel like hugging her even more. I still remember her first photograph taken with a doll: to this day one still feels looking at that photograph that there is a stuff toy sitting near a doll…

We had to let her go to a village where she could have fresh air. We used to live in small flats and Alpha was growing old and needed space to just sit and relax the whole day. The parting was painful, more for my mom than me. She still lives in our hearts and fond memories of hers keep coming back to this day. She had grown so attached to all of us. She had become truly ours…


  1. Ironically I am here because of boredom.And now that I read some of your posts,they look pretty interesting.!!
