Monday, November 16, 2009

November 25

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Since 1981, the day of anti violence against women has been marked on November 25 by women activists. By resolution 54/134 of 17 December 1999, the General Assembly designated this day as the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” in commemoration of the three sisters of the Dominican Republic who were assassinated in 1960 on orders of their Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. This day also marks the beginning of the 16 days of activism against gender violence which is December 10, known as International Human Rights Day.

Background of the three sisters: Patria Mercedes Mirabal (February 27, 1924 – November 25, 1960), María Argentina Minerva Mirabal (March 12, 1926 – November 25, 1960) and Antonia María Teresa Mirabal (October 15, 1935 – November 25, 1960) were three sisters who were citizens of the Dominican Republic. They ardently opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo as they believed that Trujillo would send their country into an economic turmoil. This was true in a way as even though the economy was getting better, there was no freedom and most of the money was getting into the pocket of the Trujillo family. The family lost all their fortune as well when Trujillo came to power. Hence, the sisters opposed Trujillo’s rule by forming a group known as “Movement of the Fourteenth of June”, in which they were known as "The Butterflies"; and fought to end his dictatorship. After numerous incarcerations and torture, when the sisters did not stop their anti political activities, the dictator decided to get rid of them. On November 25, 1960, his men executed the three sisters and their driver, and threw their car off of the mountain La Cumbre, between the cities of Santiago and Puerto Plata. The only sister alive today is Bélgica Adela "Dedé" Mirabal-Reyes (March 1, 1925 – present) who lives to tell the stories of her sisters.

Violence against women has been prevalent since centuries. It gives rise to gender inequality and denies women their basic human rights, such as health and freedom. It also undermines the social and economic development, and fractures communities and the country as a whole.
70% of women around the world are subject to rape or domestic violence especially from their husbands or someone they know. These issues are often hidden and cause more death and disability than any other disease.

Governments, international organizations and NGOs regularly organize activities every year to raise public awareness of the problem. It is high time that “SAY NO TO VIOLENCE” is not only spoken out but also implemented throughout the society and the world.

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