Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Recipe for Happiness

Prompt: The Daily Topic: What are you cooking up in your head? Write a personal recipe for happiness or some other pleasant emotion, or write a recipe of your day. List the ingredients, then creatively explain how you'd make the dish."

When one door of happiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. ~ Anonymous

Everyone wants to be happy. They tend to look for happiness all over when actually happiness is right within them. Some also tend to feel that it’s either money, expensive things or anything else materialistic which will make them happy. They don’t realize that true happiness lies within their family, their friends, their small successes and achievements. And go hunting for happiness without ever truly finding it. Of course there can be and will be subtractions and additions of happiness in life, but the happiest people just make the most of everything they have rather than complaining all the time for something they don’t. Inner peace is a path to happiness and it always does not have to be a by-product of money.

In my view, a recipe for happiness which serves all:

It should start as soon as you are awake and should never end. Mix 2 cups of smile and patience, a heart of gold showering love, 2 handfuls of a helpful attitude, dashes of laughter, sprinkled with charity and kindness, plenty of trust and understanding, and a touch of care.

After all, Happiness is a journey all through life, not the end of any goal.

1 comment:

  1. True Payal.....sometimes we are too busy worrying about happiness than enjoying life's moments as they are happening.
